
WordPress Menus
WordPress Menus are obviously crucial and this short podcast gives a brief overview of their use within wordpress. Menus-Wordpress from Websitu on Vimeo.

Our Promise
We like to do business the right way. Money up front – NO Payment upon completion or we will shut you down – NO These...

WordPress Media
All users will need to understand how the WordPress Media section works. This brief introduction covers the Media menu option and also the plugin Nextgen....

WordPress Plugins
WordPress functionality can be greatly increased with the use of plugins. This podcast provides a brief overview of the wordpress plugins menu area. Plugins-Wordpress from...

WordPress Comments
If you want people to engage with your site then you will need to deal with wordpress comments. This podcast provides a brief overview of...

WordPress Plugin – Spots
Spots, just like the name suggests, these can be used throughout a site allowing duplicate content areas such as contact details, opening hours or any...

WordPress Pages
A basic introduction to the use of wordpress pages within a site. Pages-Wordpress from Websitu on Vimeo.

WordPress Dashboard
The WordPress dashboard is exactly that – one area that provides a visual indication of what is taking place with your site. This brief podcast...

Website Design – The Planning
Website Design Start Point | Website Design Construction Plan When you decide that you definitely require a website you should have a very clear picture...

Web Design – Workflow
Web Design | Workflow | Documentation Making sure your Web Design runs like clockwork We will discuss your requirements and get a feel for what...