
Converting Your Old Site To WordPress
Converting your old site to WordPress is a very sensible thing to do. It will provide you with a widely used CMS (Content Management System)...

Domain Name Registration
You may think it strange that we encourage you to register your domain name elsewhere, however there is good reason for adopting this practice. We...

Website Hosting Costs
A refreshing approach to Website Hosting – no jargon – no complication – no frills Our Website Hosting made simple We don’t have numerous pricing...

3rd Party SEO Service Providers
We won’t risk it but you are welcome to do so…… However you will have to remove your site from our servers, or allow us...

Upgrading your old website
Don’t start again, your website just requires upgrading Already got an established website? Upgrading your old website is all you need to do The moment...

SEO Services Cornwall and South West
Is your website SEO just not performing as expected? Are you not attracting visitors ? Is it failing to earn it’s keep? Are you seeing...

WordPress – Spot Usage
An insight into working with Spots and how to use them in association to the individual sidebars that some themes have set for them. Spots-Sidebars-Widgets...

WordPress Widgets
WordPress widgets allow you to develop areas into your site where information can be changed easily without affecting the core content. Your site will have...

WordPress Users
The wordpress users menu item combined with Wangguard plugin. Users-SEO-Wordpress from Websitu on Vimeo.

WordPress Posts
There are pages, static content that you do not want to enter into discussion about, or posts. WordPress Posts offer you the ability to write...